About us > History

KHP Mission History
1969 5.25 Holy People's Church founded as independent church
1970   1st edition of "The Way of Life" published (basic edition)
1968-70   Rev. Chung conducted revival services at Gunsan Gospel Church for three consecutive years
1979 10.12 Holy People's Gospel Corp. registered (4-82)
1980   1st edition of "The Way of the Cross" published
1982   Rev. Chung evangelical trip to the States (San Francisco, Houston and LA)
and revivals at the churches of Japan Holy Jesus Society
1983   Publishing of free evangelical booklet titled "To be released from sin and suffering"
1984 10

2nd edition of "The Way of Life" published (revised edition)
Propagation of "The Way of Life"
Free distribution of the books titled "The Way of Life" and "The Way of the
Cross" as well as evangelical booklet at Seoul's top 10 Theological Seminaries
Sending the books to Korea's top 70 churches
Distributing the books to the major Christian bookstores around the nation
Free distribution of the evangelical booklet on the streets
1986 7.28
1st edition of "New Spiritual Song" published
Publication of 3rd edition "The Way of Life" & 2nd edition "The Way of the Cross"
1987 2.25
Production of "The Way of the Cross" cassette tapes read by the author
"The Secret to beat AIDS" document sent to Health Departments of the nations and renowned media organizations
1988 11.3 English version of "THE WAY OF LIFE (summarized)- Appendix:THE SECRET TO BEAT AIDS" published and sent to many of the Governments and Health Departments and internationally influential Christian organizations
1991 5.5 Publication of the revised edition of evangelical booklet
"To be released from sin and suffering - The secret to beat AIDS"
Distributing the free evangelical booklet on the streets
1993 8.15 English version of "THE SECRET TO BEAT AIDS" published and sent to many of the
Governments and Health Departments and world's renowned media organizations
1994 10.28 "New Spiritual Song" published (New Gospel Propagation 10th anniversary edition)
2001 8.29
Holy People's Gospel Corp. re-registered (4-436)
Publication of The Way of Life (Summarized edition in Korean, English and Japanese)
3rd edition of "The Way of the Cross" published
2006 6.19 The Korea Holy People's Mission founded
2008 5.25
"New Spiritual Song" published (39th Foundation Anniversary edition)
Opening blogs on portal sites (Yahoo Korea, Naver, Empas and Daum)
2009 1

“The Way of Life (Special Edition for Israel)” published and sent to the US, Israel
and some nations in Europe
The Korea Holy People's Mission separated from Holy People's Church
Rev. Yohan Chung called to Heaven
Kyungja Sohn succeeded to the presidency
KHP Mission Website open
English site open (www.khpmission.org)
2013 11 “The Way of Life”, “Elucidation on the Messiah” sent to prominent political and spiritual leaders of Israel and the US
2014 7

Mobile Website built
English and Japanese versions of “The Way of Life” sent to Japan Holy Jesus Society
Sending “The Way of Life”, “Elucidation on the Messiah” to the US, Israel and some European countries
Holy People's Church goes online
2015 9 Sending “The Way of Life”, “Elucidation on the Messiah” to renowned Jewish Institutes and synagogues in the US, United Kingdom and Israel (98 places in total)
2016 1

Sending the booklets to Jewish organizations and synagogues in the US and Canada (82 places)
Sending the booklets to Jewish organizations and synagogues in the US, Canada and some other countries (56 places)
Sending the booklets to Jewish institutes and synagogues in Israel (128 places in total)
2017 2 Sending the booklets to Jewish organizations and synagogues in the US, Canada and some other countries (162 places)
2020 6 Website renewal